Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Jadwal Peljaran Semester 2 TP 2011-2012 Generasi _6

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Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Jadwal Peljaran Semester 2 TP 2011-2012 Generasi _5

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Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Jadwal Peljaran Semester 2 TP 2011-2012 Generasi _4

Jadwal terbaru silakan download disini

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Jadwal Peljaran Semester 2 TP 2011-2012 Generasi _3

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Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Jadwal Peljaran Semester 2 TP 2011-2012 Generasi _2

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Minggu Efektifku

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Jadwal Pelajaran semestara

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Jumat, 23 Desember 2011


JADWAL UN T.P. 2011 - 2012




Mata Pelajaran




Senin, 16 April 2012

08.00 – 10.00

Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia


Selasa, 17 April 2012

08.10 – 10.00

Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris

11.00 – 13.00




Rabu, 18 April 2012

08.10 – 10.00




Kamis, 19 April 2012

08.10 – 10.00



11.00 – 13.00



Tanya Jawab Tentang UN

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Peraturan Menteri Yang Menyangkut UN

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Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Berita UN

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Dalam proses pembelajaran, pendidik wajib melakukan proses penilaian yang  dilakukan untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik sebagai hasil belajar yang telah ditetapkan dalam kurikulum.

Ujian Nasional (UN) diselenggarakan dengan tujuan antara lain untuk mengukur pencapaian standar kompetensi lulusan peserta didik secara nasional, sebagai hasil dari proses pembelajaran dan  sekaligus untuk memetakan tingkat pencapaian hasil belajar siswa pada tingkat sekolah dan daerah.

Rapat Panitia Kerja UN DPR dengan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud) telah menyepakati dan memutuskan bahwa UN 2012 akan dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan formula gabungan antara nilai sekolah/madrasah dan nilai UN, sebagaimana sudah diterapkan pada tahun 2011.  Ini adalah suatu keputusan politik yang telah ditetapkan. Artinya, secara politis persoalan ada-tidaknya UN pada 2012 sudah terjawab.

Sebagai sebuah kebijakan publik yang menyentuh kepentingan rakyat banyak, keputusan politik menjadi hal yang penting. Dengan keputusan politik ini diharapkan, persoalan ada atau tidak ada UN tidak lagi manjadi bahan perdebatan yang berulang setiap  tahun, sehingga menghabiskan energi yang tidak perlu. Sudah waktunya evaluasi terhadap UN bukan lagi terletak pada perlu atau tidaknya UN, tapi pada masalah yang lebih substansial, yaitu bagaimana meningkatkan mutu penyelenggaraan dan memanfaatkan hasil UN dalam rangka peningkatan dan pemerataan mutu pendidikan di seluruh tanah air. Peningkatan dan pemerataan mutu pendidikan merupakan tuntutan yang mendesak, dalam rangka peningkatan dan pemerataan mutu SDM bangsa, yang sangat diperlukan di era globalisasi saat ini, dengan persaingan yang semakin ketat.   ( Sumber : Pengantar pada dokumen "Tanya Jawab UN 2012 )

Agar Pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional tahun 2012 dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan optimal, maka pelaksanaan UN yang dilakukan di sekolah harus sesuai dengan pedoman yang berlaku. Untuk itu, BSNP telah menerbitkan beberapa Dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan UN 2012 yang berdasarkan pada permen nomor 59 tahun 2012 tentang Ujian Nasional

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Hand Out e Learning

Silakan Unduh....

Daftar Pembagian Tugas Guru Pd Semester 2 TP 2011 - 2012

Silakan diUnduh...

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011


silakan diliat..kasih tau yang lain
liat d sini...

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Data Nama Siswa SMALAN

Silakan Diambil d sini...

Format Daftar Nilai

Silakan Ambil d Sini....

Senin, 28 November 2011

Beasiswa S1 di Malaysia Untuk Siswa SMA Kelas 3 – Ancora Foundation



Ancora-Khazanah Scholarship atau Beasiswa AncoraKhazanah adalah program dari Ancora Foundation dan
Yayasan Khazanah bagi siswa-siswi dari Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya ke jenjang S1 di sejumlah
universitas unggulan di Malaysia.

Para penerima beasiswa adalah pelajar berprestasi dengan komitmen dan dedikasi tinggi untuk menjadi agen
perubahan dalam membangun negara dan bangsa Indonesia.

Program ini mendukung tujuan Ancora Foundation dan Yayasan Khazanah, yaitu mencetak pemimpin-pemimpin
strategis di masa depan di bidang ekonomi, teknologi, industri dan multimedia.

Para penerima Beasiswa Ancora-Khazanah akan berkuliah di satu
jurusan di salah satu universitas ternama Malaysia berikut ini:

  • Universiti Multimedia (MMU) – www.mmu.edu.my
  • Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) – www.uniten.edu.my
  • Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (IIUM) – www.iium.edu.my
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) – www.ukm.my
  • Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) – www.ukm.my
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) – www.usm.my
  • Universiti Malaya (UM) – www.upm.edu.my

Beasiswa yang diberikan selama masa studi mahasiswa mencakup:

  • Seluruh biaya pendidikan sesuai dengan jurusan di universitas yang dimaksud.
  • Tunjangan hidup.
  • Tiket pesawat pulang-pergi ke Malaysia.

Persyaratan beasiswa adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Sudah atau akan lulus Sekolah Menengah Atas pada tahun 2012 dan memiliki nilai rata-rata kelulusan minimal 8.0/10 untuk Ujian Akhir Nasional°.
  •  bagi yang masih duduk di kelas XII tahun ajaran 2011/2012, formulir bagian C.III. Ujian Akhir Nasional Results dapat dikosongkan.
  • Mengikuti seluruh proses seleksi yang dilakukan oleh Ancora Foundation dan Yayasan Khazanah.
  • Sehat secara fisik dan psikologis.
  • Usia kurang dari 21 tahun.
  • Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan ekstra-kurikuler, kegiatan sosial, maupun kegiatan sukarela di dalam maupun luar sekolah.

Pendaftaran dilakukan dengan tiga langkah singkat:
1. Dapatkan/unduh (download) formulir pendaftaran melalui ancorafoundation.com/programs/khazanah-asia
2. Lengkapi formulir pendaftaran dan persyaratan yang terdapat di dalamnya° ° bagi yang masih duduk di kelas XII tahun 2011/2012, formulir bagian C.III. Ujian Akhir Nasional Results dapat dikosongkan.
3. Kirimkan, sebelum tanggal 30 Desember 2011 (cap pos) ke:

Ancora Foundation
Equity Tower, 41st Floor
Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav.52-53, Lot 9
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Jadwal Ulangan Sem 1 TP.2011/2012

Silakan di catat

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Jam Kerja Guru


Minggu, 06 November 2011

Peserta sudy tour


Rabu, 02 November 2011

Contoh soal genetika

silakan kerjakan..


Penyimpangan Semu Hukum Mendel

Penyimpangan semu ini terjadi karena adanya 2 pasang gen atau lebih saling memengaruhi dalam memberikan fenotipe pada suatu individu disebut interaksi gen, yaitu: a. komplementer, b. kriptomeri, c. epistasis-hipostasis, dan d. polimeri.

a. Komplementer

Komplementer adalah peristiwa dua gen dominan saling memengaruhi atau melengkapi dalam mengekspresikan suatu sifat.


Diketahui C (gen penumbuh bahan mentah pigmen), c (gen tidak mampu menumbuhkan bahan mentah pigmen), R (gen penumbuh enzim pigmentasi kulit), dan r (gen tidak mampu menumbuhkan enzim pigmentasi kulit). Jika disilangkan induk berwarna (CCRR) dengan tidak berwarna (ccrr), maka akan dihasilkan keturunan 100% berwarna. Tentukan rasio fenotif  F2!


P1        :           CCRR (berwarna)       ><        ccrr (tak berwarna)

Gamet :           CR                                           cr

F1        :                                               CcRr (berwarna)  artinya: C dan R mempengaruhi warna

P2        :           CcRr (berwarna)         ><        CcRr (tak berwarna)

Gamet :           CR, Cr, cR, cr                         CR, Cr, cR, cr

F2        :







CCRR (berwarna)

CCRr (berwarna)

CcRR (berwarna)

CCRr (berwarna)


CCRr (berwarna)

CCrr (tak berwarna)

CcRr (berwarna)

CCrr (tak berwarna)


CcRR (berwarna)

CcRr (berwarna)

ccRR (tak berwarna)

CcRr (berwarna)


CcRr (berwarna)

Ccrr (tak berwarna)

ccRr (tak berwarna)

Ccrr (tak berwarna)

Rasio F2: berwarna : tak berwarna = 9 : 7

b. Kriptomeri

Kriptomeri adalah peristiwa suatu faktor dominan yang baru tampak pengaruhnya apabila bertemu dengan faktor dominan lain yang bukan alelnya. Faktor dominan ini seolah-olah tersembunyi (kriptos),


Diketahui gen A (ada pigmen antosianin), a (tidak ada pigmen antosianin), B (air sel bersifat basa), dan b (air sel tidak bersifat basa). Penyilangan Linaria maroccana berbunga merah (AAbb) dengan

Linaria maroccana berbunga putih (aaBB), menghasilkan 100% generasi (F1)-nya berbunga ungu. Tentukan rasio fenotif F2-nya?


P1        :           AAbb (merah) ><        aaBB (putih)

Gamet :           Ab                               aB

F1        :           AaBb (Ungu)  ada pigmen antosianin (A) dalam basa (B)

P2        :           AaBb (ungu)   ><        AaBb (ungu)

Gamet :           AB, Ab, aB, ab                       AB, Ab, aB, ab

F2        :







AABB (ungu)

AABb (ungu)

AaBB (ungu)

AaBb (ungu)


AABb (ungu)

AAbb (merah)

AaBb (ungu)

Aabb (merah)


AaBB (ungu)

AaBb (ungu)

aaBB (putih)

aaBb (putih)


AaBb (ungu)

Aabb (merah)

aaBb (putih)

Aabb (merah)

Rasio fenotif F2 = ungu : merah : putih = 9: 4 : 3




Diketahui Ayam berpial rose/mawar (RRpp / Rrpp, Ayam berpial pea/biji (rrPP / rrPp), Ayam berpial walnut/sumpel (RRPP / RRPp / RrPP / RrPp), Ayam berpial single/bilah (rrpp). Jika ayam berpial/jengger rose homozigot disilangkan dengan ayam berpial biji homozigot, pada F1 dihasilkan  jengger walnut (sumpel). Tentukan rasio fenotif F2-nya?


P1        :           RRpp (rose)     ><        rrPP (biji)

Gamet :           Rp                               rP

F1        :           RrPp (walnut)  artinya: R dan P memunculkan walnut

P2        :           RrPp (walnut) ><        RrPp (walnut)

Gamet :           RP, Rp, rP, rp              RP, Rp, rP, rp








RRPP (walnut)

RRPp (walnut)

RrPP (walnut)

RrPp (walnut)


RRPp (walnut)

RRpp (rose)

RrPp (walnut)

Rrpp (rose)


RrPP (walnut)

RrPp (walnut)

rrPP (biji)

rrPp (biji)


RrPp (walnut)

Rrpp (Rose)

rrPp (biji)

rrpp (bilah)

Rasio fenotif F2: walnut : rose : biji : bilah = 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

c. Epistasis dan Hipostasis

Epistasis-hipostasis adalah peristiwa dengan dua faktor yang bukan pasangan alelnya dapat memengaruhi bagian yang sama dari suatu organisme. Namun, pengaruh faktor yang satu menutup ekspresi faktor lainnya.


Pada penyilangan gandum berkulit biji hitam (HHkk) dengan gandum berkulit biji kuning (hhKK), ternyata 100% pada F1 berkulit biji hitam. Tentukan rasio fenotif F2-nya?


P1        :           HHkk (biji hitam)        ><        hhKK (biji kuning)

Gamet :           Hk                                           hK

F1        :           HhKk (biji hitam) artinya: H epistasis terhadap K / k

P2        :           HhKk (biji hitam)        ><        HhKk (biji hitam)

Gamet :           HK, Hk, hK, hk                      HK, Hk, hK, hk

F2        :







HHKK (biji hitam)

HHKk (biji hitam)

HhKK (biji hitam)

HhKk (biji hitam)


HHKk (biji hitam)

HHkk (biji hitam)

HhKk (biji hitam)

Hhkk (biji hitam)


HhKK (biji hitam)

HhKk (biji hitam)

hhKK (biji kuning)

hhKk (biji kuning)


HhKk (biji hitam)

Hhkk (biji hitam)

hhKk (biji kuning)

Hhkk (putih)

Rasio fenotif F2: hitam : kuning : putih = 12 : 3 : 1


Pada tikus, warna bulu yang hitam dikendalikan oleh gen R dan C bersama-sama, sedangkan rr dan C menyebabkan warna krem. Jika ada gen cc, tikus itu menjadi albino. Perkawinan antara tikus hitam homozigot (RRCC) dan tikus albino (rrcc), menghasilkan F1 semua hitam. Tentukan fenotif F2!


P1        :           RRCC (hitam) ><        rrcc (albino)

Gamet :           RC                               rc

F1        :           RrCc (hitam)  artinya: R dan C membawa sifat hitam secara bersama

P2        :           RrCc (hitam)   ><        RrCc (hitam)

Gamet:                        RC, Rc, rC, rc             RC, Rc, rC, rc

F2        :







RRCC (hitam)

RRCc (hitam)

RrCC (hitam)

RrCc (hitam)


RRCc (hitam)

RRcc (albino)

RrCc (hitam)

Rrcc (albino)


RrCC (hitam)

RrCc (hitam)

rrCC (krem)

rrCc (krem)


RrCc (hitam)

Rrcc (albino)

rrCc (krem)

rrcc (albino)

Rasio fenotif F2: hitam : krem : albino = 9 : 3 : 4

d. Polimeri

Polimeri adalah peristiwa dengan beberapa sifat beda yang berdiri sendiri memengaruhi bagian yang sama dari suatu individu.


Pada penyilangan antara gandum berbiji merah (M1M1M2M2) dan gandum berbiji putih (m1m1m2m2), dihasilkan F1 semua gandum berbiji merah. Tentukan rasio fenotif F2-nya!


P1        :           M1M1M2M2 (merah)    ><        m1m1m2m(putih)

Gamet :           M1M2                                       m1m2

F1        :           M1m1M2m2 (merah)  artinya: M1 dan M2 memunculkan warna merah

P2        :           M1m1M2m2 (merah)     ><        M1m1M2m2 (merah)

Gamet :           M1M2, M1m2, m1M2, m1m2        M1M2, M1m2, m1M2, m1m2








M1M1M2M2 (merah)

M1M1M2m2 (merah)

M1m1M2M2 (merah)

M1m1M2m2 (merah)


M1M1M2m2 (merah)

M1M1m2m2 (merah)

M1m1M2m2 (merah)

M1m1m2m2 (merah)


M1m1M2M2 (merah)

M1m1M2m2 (merah)

m1m1M2M2 (merah)

m1m1M2m2 (merah)


M1m1M2m2 (merah)

M1m1m2m2 (merah)

m1m1M2m2 (merah)

m1m1m2m2 (putih)

Rasio fenotif F2: Merah : putih = 15 : 1

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Soal Latihan, Jum’at 28/10/2011

  1. Marmot hitam yang disilangkan dengan marmot albino didapatkan 12 keturuna yang semuanya hitam. Apabila marmot albino disilangkan dengan marmot hitam hasil persilangan pertama, diperoleh 7 hitam dan 5 albino. Tuliskan genotip induk, gamet dan keturunannya.


  2. Pada tumbuhan wijen,keadaan polong satu (P) dominan terhadap keadaan polong 3 (p) dan daun normal (L) dominan terhadap (l) daun keriput. Jenis polong dan jenis daun diwariskan secara independen. Tentukan genotip kedua induknya serta bua diagram persilangannya semua kemungkinan perkawinan yg menghasilkan keturunan berikut:
  3. 318 polong satu – normal , 98 polong satu – keriput
  4. 323 polong tiga – normal, 106 polong tiga – keriput
  5. 401 polong satu-normal
  6. 150 polong satu-normal, 147 polong satu-keriput, 51 polong tiga-normal, 48 polong tiga-keriput
  7. 223 polong satu-normal, 72 polong satu-keriput, 76 polong tiga-normal, 27 polong tiga-keriput

Untuk IPA.2 Jam 1-2; IPA 3 Jam ke 3

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Jadwal Baru 17-10-2011

ini jadwal baru

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Program jadwal pelajaran


Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Jadwal Tambahan Sore


Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Soal Ulangan Mid Sem 1

Coba aja

Denah Ruang Ulangan Mid Sem 1

ini denah ruang n pembagian ruang
Silakan liat..

Jumat, 30 September 2011

Analisis Soal


Kamis, 22 September 2011


Silakan Lihat...

Selasa, 20 September 2011



Minggu, 18 September 2011


Silakan Download

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Replikasi HIV

Materi Tambahan Replikasi HIV
Silakan Download

Daur Litik dan Lisogenik

Silakan Pelajari daur ini bagi siswa kelas X
Download di sini ya.....

Kamis, 15 September 2011

analisi konteks


Jumat, 09 September 2011

Tata Tertib Pemilihan Wakasek

Tata Tertib Pemilihan Wakasek

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Bahan Presentasi Fotosintesis

Ini Bahan Presentasi Fotosintesis
silakan Download

Fotosintesis Worksheet

Tugas untuk Hari Libur...
Silakan Download...

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Animasi Fotosintesis

Untuk Tambahan Bahan Ajar Fotosintesis
Silakan Download.......


Bahan Pelajaran Fotosintesis Kelas XII
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Fosforilasi Oksidatif

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Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Rantai Transfer Elektron

Ini untuk dipahami oleh kelas XII
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Kls XII..Pelajari ini
Ini download...


Kls XII..Pelajari ini
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Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Lagu Kebangsaan

Untuk Meningkatkan Rasa Kebanggaan sebagai Bangsa
Silakan Dengar lagu2 ini
mudah mudahan...

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Materi Scientific Method

Untuk kelas X, Ini materi Tambahan Untuk Scientific Method
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Kuis Tidak Berhadiah

Untuk Kelas X, Ini quis tidak berpahala.....
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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Iseng Iseng asah Otak

Buat Yang Nunggu Berbuka Puasa
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Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


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Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Kuis Respirasi Fotosintesis

Buah Anggur dari Cikini
Daripada Nganggur...
Download ini....

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Enzyme Worksheet

Bagi siswa Kls XII silakan download file ini, kerjakan dan kumpul minggu ke 2 bulan Agustus 2011
Enzyme Worksheet

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Uji Enzim Katalase

silakan download untuk siswa kelas XII, persiapan praktek uji enzim katalase
uji Enzim Katalase
Ayo download disini...

Panduan Belajar online

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Paanduan Belajar Online

Bahan Presentasi Enzim

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Bahan Presentasi Enzim

Enzymes Test

Enaymes Test
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Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Proposal MGMP

Proposal MGMP
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Jumat, 22 Juli 2011


Silakan Pelajari animasi Berikut, dan jelaskan dengan menggunakan kalimat kalian sendiri
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Instrumen Supervisi

Instrumen Supervisi
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Umpan Balik Negatif

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Umpan Balik Negatif
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Curriculum Mapping Biology

Curicculum Mapping Biology
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Rabu, 20 Juli 2011


What is modern science


    Science has been defined in many ways. But look at this working definition


Science is the system of knowing about the universe through data collected by observation and controlled experimentation.


    If you reread this definition of science, you will see there major element; process ( or method) products, and human attitude. Element of science can be visualized in this way


  1. Process or method certain ways of investigating problem, observing for example, making hypothesis, designing and carry out experiments, evaluating data, measuring and so on
  2. Product ; fact, principle, laws, theory
  3. Human attitude: for example suspending judgement until enough data have been collected


Now to explain what is the meaning:

  1. Laws, theory, principle, and fact?










  2. What is scientific method? Step of Science method

















    The true test of theory in science is threefold:

    1. Its ability to explain what has been observed
    2. It ability to predict what has not yet been observed, and
    3. Its ability to be tested further experimentation and to be modified as required by acquisition data

Some people think that once scientists are aware of problem, all they have to do is apply the scientific method. Then by some mysterious process, their answers come pouring forth. This common misconception stems from our memorization, usually in high school or college science, of the scientific method:

  1. State problem
  2. Suggest hypotheses.
  3. Experiment
  4. Observe
  5. Collect and analysis data
  6. Reexperiment to verify data
  7. Draw conclusion from data.






























    Within the field of science, there are many branches. Biology is the branch of science that deals with living thing and their surrounding. Scientist who work in the field of biology are called biologist. Their research involves explaining how living things grow, reproduce, respond to their surroundings, and use energy. Sometimes we are tempted to define biology in term of those finding. But biology as science is process not a product


Science is not just research. It can be, and is, useful in daily life. Applying of knowledge gathered through scientific study is called technology. For example, modern medicine applies the finding of scientist to prevention and treatment of illness. In many cases, scientist and the technician work hand in hand as they investigate unknown.


New scientific instrument and computers are making it easier for biologist to study the mysteries of life. One study is the structure of gene. Gene are made of DNA, which is a code that tells the cell which protein to make. Now gene can made within a few hours by a new machine called a DNA synthesizer. Computerized microscope and video system used with fluorescent dyes and laser allow scientist to look into living cells. Computerized technology helps scientist make more accurate measurement, analyze data more thoroughly, and solve many problem in life science.

Explain the another technology that can make biologist work better.







Element Of Biology


















Biology can divided into a number of areas. Some of these division may be seen in figure above.

Botany is the study of plant, zoology the study of animal. Smaller areas might include the study of single groups within these division. For example, one might be interest in studying only insect, bacteria viruses, or mosses.

    Scientist often specialize in narrow areas of study. For example some biologist may limit their scope of study taxonomy, the study of how organisms are grouped or classified. Physiology, how an organisms carries on its life activities, may be the focus for other zoologist. Still other may find that morphology, the study of the structure of living things is more their liking.


The organization of materials

    It was decided that the best mechanism for arranging the content was levels of biological organization. There are seven levels of the biological organization.

  1. The molecular level.

    Here the student encounters such matter as how simple sugars form more complex ones; how the oxidation of simple sugars release energy; the action of enzymes and their consequences for cellular metabolism; the unique chemical bond energy within the biological system; materials transfer within cell; the process of photosynthesis; the hydrogen and carbon pathway of respiration; the control of cell activities by nucleic acid; and the chemical nature of the hereditary code.

  2. The cellular level.

    Here students are concerned with the organelles of cell such as the mitochondria, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, membranes, and chloroplast; how the cell multiply by mitosis and cell division; and how germ cell development is affected by meiosis.

  3. The organ and tissue level

    The classical cell-tissue-organ-system progression is presented here, including all organismic system such as transport system, nervous system, and endocrine system, as well as the roots, stems, and leaves, as organ of plant. And the heart, kidney, and brain as organs of human beings. All such content traditionally had been expanded to form the bulk of secondary biology course.

  4. The organism level

    Here the focus is on the complete functioning organism and on the limits imposed upon it by its various systems. Organismic behavior and interaction are an integral part of this level; so, too, are genetic continuity, reproduction, energy utilization, and the unifying systems of of organism in general.

  5. The population level

    Here student learn about the concept of population and how to sample various population; population growth and is relation to food; maintenance of population balance; competition among population; population changes and population problem.

  6. The community level

    The relevant topic here include the structure of a community; the dominant species in a community; community relationships; food chains dan food web; interaction of the living parts of the community with the physical environment

  7. The world biome level.

    This level includes The biotic and abiotic relationship of ecosystem; the relationship of different ecosystems to to the biosphere;continuity in time;and people's place in the biosphere.



  1. Change of living things through time : evolution

    Because evolution form the warp and woof of modern biology, it is no longer possible to give a complete or even a coherent account of living thing without discussing evolution. The theory of evolution is as basic to biology as the atomic is to chemistry and physics, and for identical reason. The study of evolution permit biologist to make good sense and to bring order out of similarities and differences among living things. Everywhere the biologist sees the action and consequences of natural selection; of the reproductive isolation of populations; of the effect of size and chance on interbreeding groups. The study of evolution detail of history of organisms, the sequence of unique event in the past from which the biological present originated. The actualities of evolution selected from the many potentialities provide evidence of the selective forces at work and the raw materials on which these forces acted. With a knowledge of evolutionary processes, we have already made great progress in controlling changes in the animals, plant, and protest on which human being depend.

    Besides being an historical event, evolution is a present phenomenon. Not only have we identified the site of hereditary information and the structure of the DNA code, but we are t the threshold of creating new life forms. The concept of genetic engineering poses problems of such great magnitude.

    Unfortunately many biologist explain the scientific method as a three stage process: first stage of complete doubt called hypothesis, a second stage of uncertainty called theory, and third stage of certainty called fact or principle. Evolution is a theory in that sense, a body of interrelated facts. As new fact re discovered, theory may change in its basic organization, but that does not mean that the present organization is unsound

  2. Diversity of type and unity of pattern in living things

    This theme is related to the theme of evolution, because the diversity of living forms and their daptation to widely differing environmental condition are due to evolution. Cutting across those diversities is a unity of pattern extending form the universal role of ATP as a vehicle for energy transfer among all living things through universality of DNA and RNA as the materials of heredity control. Unity is represented by the role of sugar as the common fuel of life processes, the commonality mitosis in cell division among organism, and the similarity of pattern among the limbs of different vertebrates. Unity is everywhere apparent – and within the wide diversity of living organisms that are evolution's variations on theme.

  3. The genetic continuity of life

    This theme too, is related to evolution, but it emphasize life as a continuing stream and germ plasm as potentially immortal as it is passed from generation to generation. Cooperation of the genetic mechanism that bring bout the creation of genetic mechanisms that bring about the creation of like form like emphasizes the unity expressed in theme two above, but the errors of genetic replication create discontinuities to which we owe the variability and diversity that are also expressed int theme two. Perturbations in the genetic message have introduced a wide variety of potential life forms on wich natural selection has acted, resulting in wide diversity within the biosphere.



  4. The complementarity of organism and environment

    Organism and environment interact at all levels of biological organization. The chromosome and the chloroplast heve their individual environments within the cell. The cell, in turn, acts on and is cted on by neighboring cell. Tissues and organisms composed of these cell have their own environments, and the individual organism exists in an environment of other organisms as well as abiotic factors. Population wax and wane response to their environment and in response to internal factors, and the population and their size affect the community and the word biome. Throughout there is a reciprocal relationship between organism and environment. An organism does not simply receive stimuli passively from the environment and respond in a stereotyped fashion. Organism modify their environment and exploid it – human being stand out as the as the foremost example. Interaction between organisms and environment is an integral theme of the living world.

  5. The biological root of behavior
  6. The complementarity of structure and function

    The complementarity means that what an organ does depend upon its structure. That is the character of an organ's subparts and the pattern in which they are arranged determine function. Conversely, if what an organ does depends upon its structure, then function can be inferred from a given structure. The complementarity of structure and function apply to all levels of biological organization.

  7. Regulation and homeostasis ; preservation of life In the face of change.

    This theme relates to the The complementarity of structure and function. That complementarity does not, how ever, account for the capacity for the capacity of the organism to adjust to change. While it is possible to deduce the function of the heart, studying the complementarity of its structure and function alone would not reveal the varying rate and amplitude of the heartbeat as demands are made by the body in response to changing environmental conditions. Nor would it reveal how the heart becomes sensitive and responsive to these demands. Such adjustments to change are related to homeostasis and regulation. Since homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment, such dynamic equilibriums as the concentration of metal ion in the blood, as well as its pH and its glucose level, need to be identified. Then it would be possible to determine what mechanisms enable those equilibriums to be maintained in the face of change.

  8. Science as inquiry.

    In addition, the rhetoric of conclusion approach fails to show that the scientist are human and capable of error. Much scientific enquiry has dealt with the correction of error. A rhetoric of conclusions also fails to show that our summarizing concepts are tested by the fruitfulness of the questions they suggest, and through this testing are continually revised and replaced.

  9. The history of biological concepts

    Investigating the history of scientific concepts can play useful role in enabling student to acquire a realistic and understandable view of science and scientist. It can help to reduce extraordinarily unreal, antagonistic, and fantastic view of science and scientist that repeated studies have demonstrated